Friday, December 9, 2016

Jasper John's Sculptures

I have a love hate relationship towards his work. I find it very interesting but very weird at the same time. He has a lot of great textures in his pieces and the use of metal is awesome. But I wasn't a fan of the light sluptures. I was a fan of the glasses with the mouths inside the eye lenses I thought that was very abstract and unique.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Assemblage Artists

 Image result for robert rauschenberg assemblage artwork
right: untitled "combines" 1963
left: Canyon 1959

Both of these pieces are created by Robert Rauschenberg. Most of his work is from trash and scrape he found on the streets of New York City. I personally love the flow that happens in these pieces the way your eye just goes with the piece. For me, my eye slowly travels through out the art work. I love the colors in the piece on the right and the bird on the piece on the left. It emphasizes its self from the whole piece.

Jim Dine: The Garden of Eden (2003)

Image result for jim dine assemblage
Image result for jim dine assemblage

Image result for jim dine assemblage

1st: The Garden of Eden, 2003
2nd: Bed Springs, 1960
3rd: Twins in the Forest, 1989
4th: Wide Walls (Walking Dream with a Four Foot Collage, 1965)

All were created by Jim Dine.
Jim Dine was an American artist, i absolulety love his work mainly because they are all so different. The ideas, colors, design, textures each are different and unique. Artist do this a lot, but his are all still in the same media "assemblage", and i find this very unique and interesting about him. Just by searching in "Jim Dine Assemblage art" you get this whole variety of different designs and textures, and colors that pop out everywhere.