Thursday, March 17, 2016

3D pieces made out of 2D materials

3D is the quality of being three-deminesinal, having an appearance/look of length, breadth and depth.

Image result for Anastassia elias toilet paper rolls

Anastassia Elias,  is a french artist who created art from toilet paper rolls and paper. She divides the "picture" into sections where she will cut the image into paper. Then they are position in different places to parts of the inner tube, giving it a more depth, 3D look.

Erika Iris Simmion, is a self taught artist, who creates art out of  cassette tapes, and old vcr tapes to create art. She usually makes self potraits of famous people, using the tape as a way to imply texture, detail, and depth. She uses different shapes with the tape to make it more reralistic.


  1. I really like that she used the peoples' tapes in their portraits.

  2. i like the tapes and think that it would be pretty funny if she used other peoples tapes or something stupid like that haha. like make the beatles ones out of who cassettes.
